YipeePet offers Unlimited Ads on its platform in various countries under our 'Fair-Use Policy' as follows:
Each member who pays the due fees will, under our 'Fair-Use Policy' be allowed to post up to 3 Ads per week per country.
Members must delete ads that are (1) no longer relevant, (2) the products or services have been sold, or (3) the Ad is out of date by way of its content.
Should the Administrators view Ads that fall into any of the above 3 categories, the Administrators reserve the right to delete the Ads and the Member shall have no recourse on Yipeepet.com, its Administrators or Body Corporate.
Once a Member places their first Ad and pays the applicable fees, they shall be initially advanced with credits that bypass any payment page.
All Ads placed MUST be relevant to the category, sub-category and/or (if applicable) sub-sub-categories it appears in
Any credits used where Ads have been placed and subsequently rejected do not qualify for replacement credits.
Yipeept.com has various technolgiies in place including the detection of VPN's to eliminate the sharing of passwords. Any Members caught share usernames or passwords shall immediately be banned from the site and all Ads will be deleted. Banned members shall also be placed on a Blacklist
Members using this site automatically means they have read this 'Fair-Use' Policy and agree to the terms
Yipeepet.com committed enormous resources to bring those who love Animals & Pets a site that offers and gives so much. We kindly request that you do not abuse our generosity and use the site fairly for yourself and for the sake of others.